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Width:320mm Length:160mm

P4 LED display panels, with a pixel pitch of 4mm, are a common choice for indoor and less demanding outdoor applications where the viewing distance doesn't require extremely fine detail. These panels offer a practical balance between visual performance, cost, and versatility, making them suitable for a wide range of settings. Here are the key features of P4 LED display panels:

  1. Resolution and Image Quality: While P4 displays do not provide the high resolution of finer pixel pitch panels like P2.5 or P3, they still offer adequate resolution for settings where viewers are at a moderate distance. This makes them suitable for applications like trade shows, public transport stations, and large retail environments.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: P4 LED panels are generally more affordable than those with finer pixel pitches. This cost advantage makes them a popular choice for larger installations where high resolution is less critical, allowing for a broader reach or larger screen size on a given budget.
  3. Brightness and Contrast: These panels typically deliver good brightness and contrast levels, ensuring that the displayed content is vivid and readable even in brightly lit indoor environments or shaded outdoor settings.
  4. Wide Viewing Angles: P4 panels offer wide viewing angles, which helps maintain color consistency and image quality across different viewing positions, a crucial feature for public spaces and larger venues.
  5. Energy Efficiency: Like other LED displays, P4 panels are energy efficient, which is beneficial for long-term operational costs, especially in large-scale installations or where screens are operational for extended periods.
  6. Durability: Constructed to be robust, P4 panels are often built to withstand the demands of both indoor and outdoor use, though specific features like weather resistance will vary based on the intended use and manufacturer specifications.
  7. Ease of Installation and Maintenance: These panels are typically designed for easy installation and quick maintenance, often featuring modular designs that allow for front or rear serviceability. This can significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
  8. Versatility in Content Display: P4 LED panels are versatile in the types of content they can display effectively, from dynamic videos and animations to static images and text. They are capable of handling various multimedia content, making them suitable for advertising, information dissemination, and entertainment purposes.

For your signage manufacturing business, offering P4 LED panels can be an excellent way to provide clients with a versatile and cost-effective display solution. These panels are particularly advantageous for larger installations where the finer detail of smaller pixel pitches is unnecessary. Additionally, their robustness and ease of maintenance make them appealing for a wide range of applications, enhancing your product portfolio's appeal to potential clients.

P4 Indoor LED Display Panels

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